An updated post to Bethesda's journal confirms that Splash Damage's newborn team-based shooter Brink has today been given a newborn promulgation fellow of fall 2010. This news comes in after a recent video reveal over on which saw SD's head mallow Paul Wedgwood introduce the game's S.M.A.R.T. system (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain.) The promulgation fellow for Brink is, indeed, Fall 2010. That's when the mettlesome module be primed for everyone to play. Hope everyone enjoys the videos we'll be putting discover this week for everyone that didn't intend to see the Brink demonstrate at E3/PAX/QuakeCon/GamesCom/etc. Brink was most fresh demoed at the recent Eurogamer Expo in both Leeds and London, England.

Bryn says: I sat in on the Brink demonstrate at Eurogamer's Expo, which was pretty identical to that seen at this year's E3. The mettlesome is very exciting. Splash Damage's estimation for crafting great online multiplayer games is not in question, so if you like a lowercase bit of TF2 and games of a similar ilk, you requirement to intend this digit on your radar for next year. Shame most the strike though.
You got bumped.
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