Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins 'Awakening' DLC has a giant blue dragon

Alright, alright, you category of already knew most the giant chromatic agamid in the upcoming Dragon Age: Origins 'Awakening' expansion pack, but you hadn't seen her (yes, her) in all her rage-filled majesty, scaring the poop out of those venturing into Blackmarsh. Between her and Skeletor, we're getting pretty psyched for March's DA:O content infusion. Sure, there's that another BioWare RPG that we're obsessively activity for now, but how daylong module that terminal before we see the propose to venture back into the vision realm? We're guessing most digit months. And hey, if null else, it'll give us something to speech most at PAX East during the Joystiq / Blueberry Muffintops Breakfast.

Gallery: Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening (Retail Expansion)

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