Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vinyl Fantasy 7 is the freshest thing you'll hear today

We love Nobuo Uematsu's impact on the singable part for the Final Fantasy franchise, but we ofttimes find ourselves desire those games' scores were infused with a contact of Jay-Z. Maybe a reddened smattering of Outkast. The faintest hint of Ghostface Killah.

The mixologists from Team Teamwork (creators of the similarly-spliced Ocarina of Rhyme album) hit erst again worked their illusion on a artist recording mettlesome soundtrack. This instance around, it's the reason from Final Fantasy VII, which has been mashed unitedly with tracks from over a dozen hip-hop artists, as well as blackamoor Waits, which is meet weird. You can clear some you want to download the cleverly-titled Vinyl Fantasy 7 -- though we're sporting you'll belike settle on set dollars.

[Thanks, Mike!]

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